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In this post I will go deeper into the Winter phase Day 1 through Day 7ish of the menstrual cycle and answer some questions about what it is, what our bodies are doing, and what our challenges and natural abilities are in this very sacred time of our month.
*Writing from Day 12 Spring. Reading from Day 16 Summer.
Really Jess? Are you going to talk about winter when we are still very much in summer?
Yes, yes, I am. Because as a woman, inner winter happens every month regardless of the actual weather outside. Every month, women are called to slow down and rest. The very same way we know to prepare for winter is a practice to have for our inner winter seasons as well.
Q: How do I know it’s Winter?
A: This is the most obvious season marked by the first day of fully bleeding. This is known as Day 1 (Winter).
Q: How long does Winter last?
A: Just like the various regions around the world, Winter will vary from woman to woman but most commonly its lasts around 7 days. Winter season is Day 1 to Day 6 or 7. Every woman is unique, and her cycle and days of bleeding can vary month to month.
Q: What is my body doing during this Winter phase?
A: As you may notice, all systems are down for the count. All reproductive hormones are practically nonexistent. Your body is shedding the lining of the uterus. Your tidal energy is at an all-time low. Your body needs you to listen up and be gentle to it and care for it.
Q: What does my mental state look like?
A: Mentally all systems are down for the count in the first half of the Winter phase. The brain shifts 25% throughout the month. This down time mentally feels like words are hard, calculations are hard, making decisions even on the most basic choices like what to eat, are hard. Hearing other people tell you about all that they do, or will do, or should do might be just way too much to hear. However, around Day 4, there is an uptick in estrogen, and this brings back brain power, yet the body physically still needs to rest and recover.
Q: What are my emotions doing?
A: With all systems a “no-go”, emotional stability can go right out the window. Feelings become intensified as the only system running but it’s very glitchy and not at all reliable. One minute you may find yourself furious at the everything and anything and the next you want to cry into a puddle, but really you do love your family and wish you could snuggle them without making them feel weird. Why do I make them feel weird? I don’t want to make anyone feel weird. See how the spiral goes? Again, as estrogen reappears around Day 4, your emotions shift, and you are able to make more sense of the world around you although you are still a bit fragile. Intuition is strongest in winter and using your intuition, you can make grounded decisions that have the ability to continue to ride through your other seasons as well. For example, deciding to move across the country to accept a new life opportunity. These kinds of decisions will “stick” if you have sat with them through your past phases and the final decision lands in Winter.
Q: Why can’t I go out and see people like a normal person?
A: In winter, with all of our hormones bottomed out, especially estrogen, our most outgoing hormone, you may wonder, what’s wrong with me? Why when you go out during your winter phase, do you feel everyone’s energy at once? I think this especially true of empaths. If you are an extrovert, you may go out just fine and feel energized only to stay out too long and then crash hard, bleed heavier, unwanted symptoms return and maybe pick up any old virus floating around.
You definitely can go out and see people. You can invite people over. Just know your flow enough to recognize if you need to leave and have a plan to do so if you find you over committed. Just knowing you can cancel, or leave, can alleviate added stress of trying to give energy that just might not be there. And that is totally okay.
Q: Is there anything I can do to prepare for winter?
A: Yes! Start winterizing. That means tying up loose ends mid to end of your Fall phase Days 24-28. Make a plan to knock off your list anything that can be done before all the energy for running around is gone.
Ask for help from those you live with or work with and let them know you will be down shifting in energy and need additional help.
Give yourself permission to slow down. Schedule in extra breaks at the end of Fall. This practice alone allows the body to prepare for bleeding by reducing stress.
Get time alone. If you are used to constantly being with people, all day every day this can be a very hard practice. But it is also highly rewarding. And with time, you will recognize when you need it. Hopefully, it will become easier to make space for it.
Ask yourself, what do I need? I find it is usually very basic needs that I forget to tend to, like taking a shower, resting for 30 minutes, drinking more water, remembering to take vitamins and stretch. As you do this you will become more in tune with what you need when you experience symptoms of your menstruation. Instead of ignoring and pushing through, lean into what your symptoms are telling you about what you need. Once you know what that is you can do small things to make a place of respite for yourself. Call it your she-shed, red tent, do-not-disturb hut, or she cave. Whatever it is, you need to get a safe place to be and rest and tend to yourself.
Here are some ideas you may like to try from My Red Tent list:
Epsom salt baths
Calm scented candle
Meditation music
Low lighting
Chocolate, of course!
A glass of wine
My bed
Tv at the ready to binge watch a sappy movie
My personally crafted tea blends
Cbd blends
Heating pad
Electric neck massager
Yoga mat for stretching
Of course, there are challenges and I’m sure you can rattle off a few right now. Menstruation is not valued in our society. It is not seen for its abilities, but only its inconveniences.
Q: What are my Winter challenges?
A: Most of the challenges in winter involve not being able to slow down and rest. All energy levels hit their lowest point and not surrendering to this process of just resting and being can bring about exacerbated symptoms.
Physical symptoms are most definitely a challenge. Everything from period pain and cramping, insomnia, migraines, body aches, heavy bleeding, acne, breast tenderness, stomach issues and mood swings and in perimenopause add night sweats, hot flashes, dizzy spells, anxiety, hair falling out and about 50+ other symptoms.
Finding space to rest is a challenge. Feelings of guilt over not doing enough tend to creep in.
Mental clarity is low
Emotional energy is low
Networking and social interactions
Working long hours
Physical exercise is limited
Lack of motivation
This is by no means a comprehensive list. What challenges do you experience in Winter Day 1-7ish?
After you have wintered for several months in a row, you will gain an understanding of your own unique needs for this time that can make all the difference for your month to come. How you care for yourself and allow others to care for you directly impacts your up-coming month and the potential energies they hold.
Q: What are my Winter abilities?
A: Going with your own flow. Shift to the metaphorical slow lane. By slowing down we allow ourselves to see the world differently. More details about our lives emerge. We have time to reflect. Other abilities:
Seeing your deepest values.
Tapping into your “Grandma” mode. Learning to let things go and enjoy the moment.
Discerning and making core choices in your life.
Accepting everything as it is.
Deep feeling of love for those in your community
Sifting through your energies and deciding what to do with them in the next month. What did I put my energy into last month? Do I want to continue this month or take another approach?
Listening becomes easier as your own thoughts are slower.
Rest and renewal
Natural ability to meditate.
Winter may be a season you most dread, but once certain needs are met unique abilities surface that you may have never encountered before.
Q: What is the point?
A: Surrender. Stillness. Rest. Renewal. Sorting the seeds. Envision. Direction and Clarity. Making a plan. A fresh look at the month ahead.
Every month our bodies are begging to find surrender, stillness and rest. This is the hardest practice with the greatest rewards. Many women find that through this practice of women’s cycle awareness, that their symptoms ease up and may even vanish altogether. Doesn’t that sound amazing?
Take a moment to think about your own Winter phase.
What does it look like?
What are your biggest challenges in Winter?
What do you find comforting during your Winter phase?
What items do you like in your “red tent”?
What can you do next month to care for yourself better?
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